Those responsible for this property are more than willing to give testimonials via e-mail or phone. They can contact you, or you, them; however you wish.
They will be the first to admit that much of this property needed help. We toured the entire property and they agreed to us looking at this project in stages.
The first task was to cut back and clean up the right side of the front of the property and much of the front yard, particularly the area closest to the front of the home. We thought this best as many projects we perform are not always easy to quantify and to scale them down is helpful to all involved.
We labeled one area the jungle as this is how it appeared and we were reminded a few times of critters having been seen within it. As we began to clean out what was otherwise a total mess, we began to realize we were uncovering what could actually be an attractive ivy garden over time, now with the ability for the air and rain to reach it. We have yet to have had to remove so many vines from such a small area. In fact, about a third of one tree's foliage was actually that from vines.
Well, this was not a project to completely overhaul these areas, but at least now the owners have a clearer view of what can be and they now have healthier and more attractive areas to work with.
See the other project for this property.
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Please contact us if you wish to have the property owner contact you or receive communication from you.
Back 40 Landscape Restoration and Maintenance
Forest Acres/Columbia, South Carolina
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